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Managing & Tracking Files


Files are PDF documents that you can upload to your Privyr account. These are auto-personalised for the client, automatically feature your branding and contact details, and even let you track when they are viewed.

You can add unlimited PDF files to your account, such as product or service brochures, catalogues, price lists, invitations, or other information you wish to share.

Here’s a video about how to send and track a File on WhatsApp using Privyr:

Your Files List

To view your files, tap the Content icon in the footer and select the Files tab at the top.

Your Files List shows all PDF files you’ve added to Privyr, sorted by title. It also displays the number of pages in the file and how many clients you’ve shared it with. Tap on a file to view more details and send, edit, or delete it.

Use the search box at the top of the screen to find specific files, or tap the (+) button at the bottom to upload a new file.

Quick Tip: you can set your Files List to open as the default Content tab under your Account Personalisation settings.

File Details

Open a file from your file list to view all details and actions related to the file.

Tap the Preview button to see what the file looks like to your clients. Note that the @clientName token will be automatically replaced with the client’s display name when they view it.

The Sharing History shows information on the clients you’ve shared the file with, and how they’ve interacted with it. Tap on any item to view a list of the clients with more details and options available.

  • Total Shared is all clients you’ve shared the file with
  • Opened are clients that have opened the file at least once
  • Unopened are clients that you’ve shared the file with, but haven’t opened it yet
  • Viewed in last 3 days are clients that last viewed the file in the past 3 days
  • Viewed multiple times are clients that viewed the file two or more times

The SHARE WITH CLIENT button at the bottom allows you to quickly send an auto-personalised version of the file to one or more clients. Just tap this button and select the client you wish to share with, or Bulk Send to up to 50 clients at once.

Tap on the Options button in the top right to edit the file, edit the default message, or delete it.

File Branding

All files sent through Privyr will automatically feature your contact details and branding at the bottom of the page, alongside clickable buttons to call, SMS, or WhatsApp you.

This helps to build a stronger brand presence and relationship with your clients, and makes it easy for new leads quickly get in touch with you if your files are being forwarded to others.

You can also apply custom branding to your account, featuring your own logo and colours on all files and pages you send (see examples in the image above). The link URL can also be customised with your own branding. These customisations can be configured under your Account Settings > File & Page Branding.

Tracking File Views

All files sent through Privyr are trackable, and will give you real-time alerts whenever your leads or clients view them. Tap the alert to view the client’s timeline with more details such as how many times they’ve opened the file and the total time they’ve spent viewing it.

Note that you can adjust your Notification Settings to customise what type of alerts you get when leads view your files.

You can also see the full sharing history of a file on the file details page, which shows all clients that the file has been shared with, who has and hasn’t opened it, who viewed in the last 3 days, and who has viewed it multiple times.

If you want to see all clients who viewed any of your files in the last 7 days, you can open the Recently Active group under the Groups tab of your Client List.

Detailed File View Stats

You can see detailed view stats showing a breakdown of all views by a specific client on a file, including the date and time of each view, the time spent viewing, and even what type of device it was viewed on.

Simply tap the file on the client’s timeline (or tap the client from your file’s sharing history), then select ‘Show detailed view stats’.

Uploading Files

Tap the Upload button on your file list to select and upload a PDF file from your phone (up to 100 MB or 100 pages).

The File Title will default to the name of the file, but can be edited to something else if you prefer. This title will be displayed to clients at the top of the page when viewing a file, so try to make it descriptive and presentable.

Once you’re done, tap the SAVE FILE button to save the file. It may take a few seconds to process the file and convert it to be auto-personalised, branded, and trackable. Once completed, the file will appear in your file list and can be viewed, sent, edited, or deleted at any time.

Editing and Deleting Files

When viewing a file, you can tap on the Options menu in the top right of the screen to perform a few actions:

  • Edit default message to update the default text message that is included every time you send the file to a client. This can be used to provide more information or context before the client opens the file.
  • Edit file details to edit the file title or upload a different PDF file to replace the existing one. Note that changing the title or file will automatically update all previously sent links to show the new content, ensuring everyone sees the latest version.
  • Add private notes if you wish to include any private details about your file.
  • Add to folders to organise and manage your files, such as by creator, product or service, or any other categorisation you like.
  • Delete file to permanently remove the file from your files list, along with any associated data in Privyr. All previously shared file links will also be made invalid, so be careful about deleting files that your clients may try to view again in the future.

File Folders

Create and use custom folders to help manage and organise your file templates, such as by creator (if you are using Privyr with a Team), product or service, or any other categorisation you like. You can add unlimited files per folder and multiple folders per file.

To create a new folder, tap Folders followed by the (+) button on your Files tab.

To add a file to a folder, tap Options when viewing a file and then tap Add to Folders. You can add the file to an existing folder, or create a new one by tapping Create New.

Bulk File Actions

From your Files template list or File template search results screen, tap and hold on any File template to trigger multi-select mode and perform bulk actions. You can select up to 20 File templates at a time (you can also bulk-select up to 20 at a time via the Select First 20 button in the top right), with options to perform the following actions:

  • Manage folders for all selected File templates
  • Delete all selected File templates

Share Access to your File Templates

You can allow other Privyr users to add copies of your File templates to their accounts and share them with their clients under their own name and branding.

To find out more about how to share access to your File templates with other Privyr users, see Share Access to Content Templates

Updated on April 14, 2024

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