Content Overview Content sent through Privyr is auto-personalised for the client and can be quickly sent via WhatsApp, SMS, email, or other apps in seconds, without any typing or copy...
Sending Quick Responses Quick Responses allow you to send auto-personalised content to a lead or client within seconds. These can be sent via WhatsApp, SMS, email, or other chat apps...
Managing Your Messages Messages are introductions, follow-ups, updates, and other text-based content that you can quickly send to leads and clients. Messages support text, links, and...
Managing & Tracking Files Files are PDF documents that you can upload to your Privyr account. These are auto-personalised for the client, automatically feature your branding and contact details...
Managing & Tracking Pages Pages are simple websites that contain text, images, videos, maps, and other types of content. These pages are auto-personalised for the client, feature your branding...
Bulk Sending Content When sending Messages, Files, or Pages via the Content tab, you can select and send to up to 50 clients at once via the bulk send feature. This is a quick and efficient...
Share Access to Content Templates Introduction Allow other Privyr users to add a copy of your Message, File, and Page templates to their accounts and...