Your user profile contains all of your account information such as your profile photo and contact details. It is important to keep this updated as some fields may be included in content that you share with clients, and can also be used to log in or receive notifications for your account.
Updating Your User Profile

You can edit your user profile by tapping on your name and photo at the top of your Account tab. From here, you’ll be able to view and update the following fields:
- Profile Photo will be displayed on any files or pages that you send to clients, as part of your branding. Tap to take a photo or select an existing one from your phone.
- Name will be displayed on any files or pages that you send to clients, as part of your branding. It is best to use your full name or something that your clients will recognise.
- Phone Number is your mobile phone number, and is displayed on any files or pages that you send to clients.
- WhatsApp Number is the number that you use for WhatsApp, and will be opened when clients click on the WhatsApp button on your files and pages. This is set to your phone number by default but is editable if you have a different WhatsApp number. Simply ignore this field if you don’t use WhatsApp.
- Email Address is used to send you client alerts, account notifications, billing invoices, and general updates. We will not send or make your email available to any unsolicited marketing.
- Note that this field is not editable as it is used to log into your account via email one-time-password. If you wish to update your registered email address, please contact customer support.
- Company Name is displayed below your name on any files and pages that you send to clients. If you don’t have (or don’t want to show) a company name, you can update this to your title, role, tagline, or anything else you prefer.
Once you’ve updated your profile details, tap on SAVE to save your changes. This will also immediately update your branding and details on any files or pages you’ve previously sent.