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Connecting to Google Forms


You can connect Privyr to Google Forms to receive new leads submitted via your Google Forms in your Privyr account. This gives you instant new lead alerts and automatically creates the leads in your client list, so you can immediately contact them.

Note that you’ll need to have or create a Google account to set up this integration.

Connecting to Google Forms

Connecting your Privyr account to your Google Forms only takes a couple of minutes, and can be done directly from your Google account.

There are 2 steps to complete the Google Forms integration:

  1. Install the ‘Privyr for Google Forms’ Plugin: This step only needs to be done once
  2. Configure the plugin for each form: This step needs to be done for every form that you want to connect to Privyr


Follow these steps to install the ‘Privyr for Google Forms’ plugin. This step only needs to be completed once. After completing the installation, proceed to STEP 2 to configure the plugin.

  1. Log into Google Forms
  2. Edit the form you wish to connect
  3. Click the ⋮ (More) button
  4. Select Get add-ons from the menu
  5. Search for “Privyr” and select Privyr for Google Forms
  6. Click on Install, then Continue. Follow the steps to grant Privyr access to your Google Form and complete the installation

At this point, your leads will not be sent to Privyr yet, since the plugin has been installed but not configured. Please proceed to the next section to connect your Privyr account to Google Forms.


Follow these steps for each Google Form that you want to connect to Privyr. If you have not installed the ‘Privyr for Google Forms’ plugin yet, please go back to STEP 1.

  1. Go to Google Forms and open the form you want to connect
  2. Click on the Puzzle icon in the header
    • On smaller browser windows, this option may be under “…” > Add-Ons
  3. Select Privyr for Google Forms from the menu
  4. Select Configure and wait for the configuration panel to appear
    • If the Configure option is unavailable, wait a few minutes and try again. If it remains unavailable, please reinstall the plugin.
  5. Enter your Privyr Account Token
  6. Click Save. Once you see the success text, click on X to close the configuration panel

Once done, your form will be connected to Privyr. You can submit test leads on your form(s) to ensure you receive them instantly in your Privyr account.

Issues with multiple Google Accounts

If you’re having issues installing or setting up the Privyr for Google Forms plugin, it could be that you’re logged in to multiple Google accounts. Multiple Google Accounts is not supported by Google’s Apps Script, add-ons, or web apps, and may cause errors such as “Bad Request: Error 400” or “This site can’t be reached”.

To fix this, log out of all your Google Accounts and only log in to one Google account before installing and configuring the “Privyr for Google Forms” plugin. Alternatively, you may open an incognito window in Google Chrome, or an equivalent private browsing window, and log in to the Google Account to proceed with the configuration.

New Lead Alerts

Once you connect Google Forms to your Privyr account, any new leads submitted via your Google Forms will send you a new lead alert via the Privyr app and email. You can configure these alerts via your Account Notification Settings.

Tap the alert to view the lead with all the captured information displayed on their notes field. You can immediately contact them or send an auto-personalised Quick Response.

You can also enable additional alerts if you haven’t acted on a new lead within 15 minutes and 60 minutes, in case you missed the first notification. You can enable these extra alerts via your Account Notification Settings.

All new leads will be displayed with an UNCONTACTED label in their client details and the client list until you act on them. They’ll also appear in your Uncontacted Leads group.

Depending on your Uncontacted Leads Settings, the UNCONTACTED label may be automatically removed when you view the lead, click their contact buttons, send them content, and/or set a follow up date. You can also manually mark or unmark a lead as UNCONTACTED via the options menu when viewing the lead.

Distribute Google Forms Leads to other Recipients

You can automatically share leads from Google Forms with other recipients via email, even if they don’t have a Privyr account. This is useful if you’d like to distribute leads to your clients or colleagues, and can be configured to forward all leads to all recipients, or distribute leads equally in a Round Robin fashion.

Recipients will receive new lead details instantly via email and/or the Privyr app, with attribution ‘This lead was sent to you by @name at @company(where @name and @company are replaced with the Name and Company from your User Profile, respectively).

Find out more about Automatic Lead Distribution.

Updated on June 20, 2024

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